Monday 15 April 2013

Week 10: Exercise

1.  What infrastructural improvements do you think are necessary in your city in order to improve climate resilience of vulnerable communities?

Ho Chi Minh city has many problems of traffic, pollution, flooding, overload infrastructure, lack of green and public spaces, bad planning pose great vulnerability to climate change. Buildings are mostly for using air-conditioner, which are not energy-efficient and at the same time often without good ventilation. Therefore, in my opinion, Ho Chi Minh city need to integrate climate change into its development, through:

- Better public transportation system, well-organized, diverse and efficient is needed for crowded HCMC. Public transportation should be more comfortable as the quality of service should be improved so that it can be more attractive and become priority in people’s choice, beside affordability.

- Walkability and cyclability should be integrated into public transportation system. Pedestrians and cyclists should be encouraged through incentive policies and programmes. On the other hand, limitation of cars and motorbikes, particularly in central downtown can help saving energy, improving environment and community sense with safer traffic, better public interaction and less pollution.

- Cleaner, renewable energies and their supporting infrastructure should be taken into consideration in the long term development of the city. Some examples can be the model of solar street lighting, solar-panel on roof of big buildings, cleaner fuels for public transportation…

- Urban designs such as green pavement, waterparks can facilitate rainwater infiltration to replenish groundwater and mitigate urban flood.

- Farm lands and green spaces should be preserved for microclimate regulation, water retention, urban biodiversity as well as food security and other beneficial ecosystem services.

- It is necessary for HCMC to start as soon as possible integrated waste management instead of current landfilling method otherwise later HCMC will inevitably face the waste crisis.

2. How is existing infrastructure being managed in the face of climate challenges?

As I mentioned, the existing infrastructure pertains many risks in the face of climate change and a lot of things need to be improved.

3. How might it be possible to encourage ‘no-regrets’ investments in infrastructure in your city? 

It is possible with strong political will and an aware public.

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